
About the Journal

Akiratech : Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering is a scholarly publication dedicated to the dissemination of research findings and advancements in the fields of computer engineering and electrical engineering. This peer-reviewed journal serves as a platform for researchers, academicians, and professionals to share their innovative contributions and insights in various areas such as digital systems, computer networks, signal processing, power systems, control systems, and more. Through rigorous evaluation and publication of high-quality research papers, the journal aims to foster collaboration, exchange of ideas, and advancements in technology within the realms of computer and electrical engineering.

Journal Title : Akiratech
Initials : Akiratech
Frequency : Maret, Juli, November
E-ISSN : 3047-7522
Chief Editor :  Sulistiyanto, ST, MT
DOI Prefix : On Proses
Publisher : CV. Akira Java Bulu
Accreditation : Non Sinta



Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024)
					View Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024)

Pada Volume 1 No.3 tahun 2024  dengan penulis/author dari berbagai perguruan tinggi antara lain Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan, Universitas Nurul Jadid, STMIK LIKMI Bandung, Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya

Published: 2024-11-11


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